Go With the Flow

A Tribute to YRPA

The “Go With The Flow” Kite Exhibit is in honor of the volunteer spirit of Yellowstone River Parks Association, which has helped build up more than 2,000 acres of public natural parks, and miles of connecting trails, in Yellowstone County. The Exhibit is organized and curated by Billings artist Terry Zee Lee.

The 18 kites all made an appearance at the 45th annual American Kitefliers Association festival in Seaside, Oregon the second week of September, both as individual kites and as a group. They earned multiple awards, including the top festival award for a kite by John Burkhardt called “Big Sky, Big River.”

The kite exhibit is generously supported by the Harry L Willett Foundation, with additional support from First Interstate Bank.

More information about Terry Zee Lee and her kite work, including education programs and internationally-recognized exhibits, can be found at https://www.zeeleekites.com/